Schenectady Rotary

We are your neighbors. A diverse group of business leaders who connect to create a positive impact on the local and global community.

Cornhole for a Cause features a day-long tournament for professionals and amateurs alike, as well as an assortment of drawings, auctions, and retail vendors. Click to learn more!

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Volunteers Needed: Spooky Science @ MiSci 10/12/2019

Please click on the link below to sign up for a time at the MiSci Spooky Science event. The club will have a table where we pass out candy from 11am to 4pm. Volunteers also needed to decorate the table.

Schenectady Summer Night – 2019 Water Sales

Schenectady Summer Night – 2019 Water Sales

Schenectady Rotary will be selling water at Summer Night 2019 on July 2019. Volunteers are needed to set up the tent and supplies, sell water, and clean up at the end of the night. Please following the Sign-Up Genius link below to volunteer.

May 30, 2019: Matogou Clean Water Project Update

May 30, 2019: Matogou Clean Water Project Update

Brian Merriam, International Committee Chair will provide a Haiti Clean Water Project Update at the noon meeting of the Schenectady Rotary Club at the Stockade Inn, Schenectady, NY. Anyone interested in learning more about this project is welcome to attend. Lunch...

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