Schenectady Rotary
We are your neighbors. A diverse group of business leaders who connect to create a positive impact on the local and global community.
Cornhole for a Cause features a day-long tournament for professionals and amateurs alike, as well as an assortment of drawings, auctions, and retail vendors. Click to learn more!

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Vale Park – Cleanup Day
Schenectady Rotary Club will be meeting at Vale Park in Schenectady on May 16, 2019 from 11:15am to 1:00pm. The club will be picking up litter and preparing gardens for planting during the lunch meeting. Volunteers should wear their work clothes, bring gloves, and...
Rotary Mentoring Program and Professional Clothing Room at Steinmetz Career and Leadership Academy
Dedication Ceremony May 3, 2018 marks the dedication of a brand-new Rotary Mentoring Program and Professional Clothing Room for students attending the Steinmetz Career and Leadership Academy (SCLA) in Schenectady. Conceived by the Schenectady Rotary Club and SCLA and...
Schenectady Rotary Club Centennial Celebration
A Centennial Celebration recognizing 100 years of Service Above Self! June 1, 2018, 5pm - 8pm Tickets: $25 each; discount available for Day of Service volunteers. Following District 7190’s Day of Service, the members of the Schenectady Rotary Club cordially invite you...