Schenectady Rotary
We are your neighbors. A diverse group of business leaders who connect to create a positive impact on the local and global community.
Cornhole for a Cause features a day-long tournament for professionals and amateurs alike, as well as an assortment of drawings, auctions, and retail vendors. Click to learn more!

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2024 Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted
The Rotary Club of Schenectady is pleased to announce the return of the $1,500 scholarship contest.The winner is also expected to join a Thursday Rotary meeting via Zoom or in-person. Scholarships are awarded based on the following criteria: Applicants must reside in...
Schenectady Rotary Spotlight: Enhancing Education at Keane Elementary
With over a century of service to the City of Schenectady, the Schenectady Rotary has deepened its commitment to supporting education. In 2023, the club embarked on a mission to bolster educational initiatives in the city. One significant project emerged from this...
4th Annual Mums Sale
Fall Mums, provided by the Schenectady ARC Horticulture Program 8” pots in a variety of colors $9.00 each Pre-orders accepted through September 4th, 2023 Easy Drive Through Pick Up on September 9th at: Maple Ridge...