Schenectady Rotary
We are your neighbors. A diverse group of business leaders who connect to create a positive impact on the local and global community.
Cornhole for a Cause features a day-long tournament for professionals and amateurs alike, as well as an assortment of drawings, auctions, and retail vendors. Click to learn more!

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Vale Park Cleanup: May 13, 2021
Calling all Volunteers! Schenectady Rotary is organizing a cleanup day at Vale Park in Schenectady. Park at the Nott Street entrance. Bring your own gloves and gardening tools if desired. Box lunch will be provided for $5.00.
April 15, 2015: Speaker William Rivas, COCOA House
William Rivas, the Director of C.O.C.O.A. House, a Schenectady after school and mentoring program for at-risk youth, will be the guest speaker for the Schenectady Rotary’s Thursday, April 15, 12 noon Zoom meeting. Mr. Rivas will focus on diversity and inclusion in his...
Slam Poetry: 3/28/2021
Weekly Meeting: March 25, 2021, Noon - 1pm Guest Speaker Annika Blanke Topic: Slam Potetry ZOOM Link to join Annika Blanke: I was born in 1984 and have been working as a high school teacher in Northern Germany (subjects: English and German) for the last...